Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Kanak-kanak kecil ini bukanlah seorang penjenayah!

Rejim Bashar telah menggunakan senjata kimia (bom Napalm) untuk membunuh anak ini.


Allahu Akbar!!!

Wanita ini tidak hanya diam menghayun buaian, malah bangkit menggalas senjata dan berjuang. Rakyat Syria lebih mengerti siapa pejuang dan siapa petualang.

Ayuh... Halakan senjatamu kepada musuh-musuh Allah.

PBB: Gas sarin diguna dalam serangan di Syria

PBB dedah laporanPendedahan itu dibuat berdasarkan sampel serpihan roket yang diperoleh di lokasi serangan gas beracun tersebut.

NEW YORK - UNITED STATES. Kumpulan pemeriksa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa bersatu (PBB), kelmarin mengesahkan bahawa mereka telah menemui bukti yang jelas dan meyakinkan bahawa gas sarin telah digunakan dalam serangan senjata kimia di pinggir Damsyik, 21 Ogos lalu.

Pendedahan laporan itu dibuat berdasarkan sampel diambil pada serpihan roket yang menunjukkan gas beracun tersebut telah dilancarkan di Ein Tarma, Moadamiyah, Zamalka di kawasan Ghouta.

Bagaimanapun, mereka tidak mendedahkan dalang yang bertanggungjawab melancarkan serangan senjata kimia tersebut kerana ia berada di luar bidang kuasa kumpulan tersebut.

Sebelum ini, Amerika Syarikat (AS) pernah menuduh tentera rejim Presiden Bashar al-Assad mendalangi serangan terbabit yang telah meragut lebih 1,400 nyawa.

Awal bulan lalu, perisikan Perancis juga mendakwa kerajaan Syria mempunyai dua model roket yang boleh diisi dengan gas beracun dan dilancarkan pada sasaran dalam lingkungan jarak 50 kilometer.

Sementara itu laporan dipetik dari Al-Jazeera, Rusia tetap mempertahankan pendirian mereka bahawa serangan senjata kimia tersebut sebenarnya didalangi oleh Tentera Pembebasan Syria (FSA).

"Kami percaya segala dakwaan ke atas rejim Bashar adalah satu tindakan provokasi yang bertujuan untuk menarik campur tangan asing di Syria," kata Menteri Luar Rusia Sergei Lavrov.



17 children of 77 victims

SNHR – Syria – Final casualties report – 16 September, 2013

Syrian network for human rights documented 77 victims, Monday 16/9/2013 all across Syria, including 17 children and 5 ladies, 6 tortured to death, 28 FSA


Damascus and countryside: 18 victims
Daraa: 8 victims
Aleppo: 14 victims
Idlib: 8 victims
Homs: 7 victims
Hama: 15 victims
Raqqa: 5 victims
Dier ez-Zoor: 1 victim
Qunaitra: 1 victim


There is no doubt that the uniqueness and prolonged of the Syrian situation and regional and international interactions, make it the subject of discussion, debate and disagreement about the exact description of what is going on, but that does not obscure the fact that the protest movement started peacefully, and focused on the demands of freedom and dignity, however the violence perpetrated by the regime make the revolutionary movement passed through several stages, especially after dissidence and armaments.


There is no doubt that the uniqueness and prolonged of the Syrian situation and regional and international interactions, make it the subject of discussion, debate and disagreement about the exact description of what is going on, but that does not obscure the fact that the protest movement started peacefully, and focused on the demands of freedom and dignity, however the violence perpetrated by the regime make the revolutionary movement passed through several stages, especially after dissidence and armaments.



Syrian network for human rights documented 63 victims, Tuesday 17/9/2013 all across Syria, including 7 children and 5 ladies, 2 tortured to death,1 media activist, and 18 FSA

Damascus and countryside: 22 victims
Daraa: 9 victims
Aleppo: 10 victims
Idlib: 2 victims
Homs: 1 victim
Hama: 2 victims
Raqqa: 5 victims
Dier ez-Zoor: 10 victims
Qunaitra: 1 victim
Swidaa: 6 victims


Despite of the violence, massacres and persistent of security solution, and the approach of military decisiveness, the characterization of the situation as a civil war does not reflect reality, since the definition of civil war refers to the existence of an armed conflict between two organized groups in one State, his objective is to take control of the country or secede a region.


Historically, this concept was established in the modern world, within the field of non-international armed conflicts. this concept is infirm , non-restricted, and interferes with other internal conflicts, there is no consensus in the international conventions and laws about its compounds or accurate mean.

There are international jurists consider the civil war as open war, streets and prisons war, where the neighbor fights the neighbor, friend with friend, and opponent with the opponent, or as philosopher Thomas Hobbes said "war of all against all". As some scholars of international law that the civil war raging within one country between two independent, as enemies, seeks both revenge and filtered, and did not recognize one another or joint.

PBB siasat 14 kes serangan senjata kimia di Syria

GENEVA 17 Sept. - Penyiasat hak asasi manusia, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) mendakwa terdapat 14 serangan senjata kimia di Syria, namun masih gagal untuk mencari pihak yang perlu dipersalahkan.
"Kami menyiasat 14 kes yang dikatakan menggunakan senjata kimia," kata ketua suruhanjaya siasatan bebas yang ditubuhkan oleh Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia PBB, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro.
Pinheiro berkata, jika tidak kerana terdapat kesukaran dalam mengumpulkan bahan bukti, tidak mustahil pihak yang bertanggungjawab terhadap serangan tersebut dapat dicari. - AFP

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