The hero martyr, Hakam Al Sibai, who suffered gunshots from the treacherous security and Shabiha, while working as a volunteer with the Red Crescent has died of his wounds today. He was on his way with the ambulance crew to Bab al-Aldreb during the invasion of the neighborhood and came under fire from security and Shabiha, including snipers, wounding three ambulance crew members and even the patient himself .
dmaascus : duma 12-09-2011 the child ezat allababedi -12year old- was shot in head by Assad gangs while he was walking in the funeral of the child subhi ahmad salam -14 year old-
important dmaascus : duma 12-09-2011 the child ezat allababedi -12year old- was shot in head by Assad gangs while he was walking in the funeral of the child subhi ahmad salam -14 year old-
I couldnt help my tears when i got this ,,, what will the Thug say to these two angels ,,, what would we say to them ,,, oh god that is un real ,,, oh god that is un fair ,,, oh god where are you ,,, we need you ,,, Fallen Hero, Hamza Shamsi Basha, killed by Assad's thugs on 3rd day of Eid (09.02.2011) - Homs \ Syria
Syahid seorang bapa yang juga seorang mujahidin islam terbunuh akibat perbuatan penembak curi sniper tentera regim di Aleppo. Semoga anaknya pula mewarisi perjuangan bapanya.