His father stayed with some relatives waiting at the court on a regular basis One day, the father did not come, people went to his house and found the family shocked from a call from the military hospital that asks the father to come to recognize Zaher's body .The father went to the hospital and identified the body, they asked him to sign that he died in a motorcycle accident to recieve the body but he didn't accept after seeing the amount of affects of torture on his son's body, he went to the military police to open investigation they asked him to go home and forget the issue.
People convinced him to sign to take the body to bury it in an appropriate way.
He recieved his son's body in 2-6-2011 and it was revealed by a doctor who said that death has been about 27 days under torture that left strong impact on his body, they found traces of knives and effects of fire and torture by electricity was peeling his skin very much, and his back was broken, there were also effects of chains in his feet which indicates that he was tightly bound all the time. The doctor could not determine the cause of death precisely because there are several possible causes of death, it could be because of pain shock or heart stopped breathing as a result of the strong exposure to electricity.
This is the picture of the death certificate.
Peace be upon your soul Zaher, it's the greatest certificate of honor ever!