Will the US do it, will the congress approve the action, why would they interfere??, isn't it better for the West to let the Syrian sort out their own problems by themselves????. We are not sure who used chemical weapons !!!, it could be Assad regime, and it could be the rebels, especially they have Alqaeda and other terrorist groups with them............
All these are legitimate questions to ordinary people living in the West; especially the media does not cover the whole story.
We feel it is our duty to explain to people living in the US, Canada and Europe, as they may still not be aware of what is happening truly in Syria.
The majority of the Syrian people (nearly 80%) do not want this regime, because they have been living under tyranny for the last 47 years. (The remaining 20% are with the regime, because if the regime goes they will lose all the advantages and benefits they are getting now, especially armed forces and militias of Assad).
Syria is a republic, yet Assad regime has changed it to a kingdom, ruling the country from the father (1970 - 1999) to the son (1999 until now), and the family of Assad and relatives control the economy, the Parliament, the army, the media, social life and every thing else in the country, and even how people should think. They changed the constitution twice to let the father and the son become presidents.
The people of Syria thought Bashar Assad, when taking over from the father Hafez Assad in 1999, is going to bring the country into freedom and pave the way for a better life. The result was more monopoly, corruption, and preferring his sect (though Syrians do not think this way) with all the benefits and advantages at the expense of all Syrians.
Syria is not a poor country, but the regime has made it so, and the GDP per capita is around USD 5000 only. Syria is rich in economy, and produces oil at the rate of 800,000 barrels per day. This goes mostly to the pockets of top people of the regime and its supporters
The people asked for changes to be made, to give freedom to the people. The result the regime responded with fire when the revolution started on 15 March 2011. Things got complicated when troops started to defect from the army (estimated 100,000), so that they will not kill their own citizens. ( A new Free Syrian Army is formed as a result). Not only had the army troops defected, the prime minister, the top officers of the army, and some MPs too.
To quell the revolution, Bashar and his regime responded with fire using Scud missiles, chemical weapons and warplanes against the people, thus changing a peaceful revolution into a battle ground between the people and the thugs that support the regime (mostly Allawaite sects which Assad belongs to).
No country has given any arms to the Free Syrian Army, even though they promised to do so on many occasions when meeting with the Syrian Coalition leaders, as this is not approved yet by the US administration, while the regime is heavily supported financially and militarily by Russia and Iran for different reasons
Syria is now destroyed. The number of people killed is estimated at 120,000, detainees 200,000, wounded 500,000, and those displaced inside Syria is estimated at 6.5 million people, and refugees outside Syria at 3.5 million people.
The regime plays a well made PR campaign claiming that they are fighting terrorists, and the media in the west does not cover the complete story.
The people are determined to fight to get their freedom back. The regime will collapse sooner or later as the people are more determined than ever to get rid of Assad regime, with or without the help of world powers.
People always win at the end, especially we depend on God.