Thursday, 16 May 2013

نريد هذا الدعاء يلف على الناس كلها الليلة لعلها توافق إجابة:"ياعظيم ياعظيم ياعظيم انت لها ولكل امر عظيم أسألك ان تفرج عن الشعب السوري بحق بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..اللهم إني استودعتك سوريا وأهلها، أمنها وأمانها، ليلها ونهارها، أرضها وسماءها، فأحفظها ربي من كل سوء ومكروه اللهم إنا نستودعك رجال سوريا ونساءها وشبابها وأطفالها يا من لا تضيع عنده الودائع" وهذه أمانه والأمانه تبرت منها الجبال ارسلها من اجل سوريا
بنت الحرمين

عندما يتدمر المأوى تصبح السيارات مأوى
دمر الله من شردنا
ادمن 7

SNHR to sound the alarm to repeat Baniyas ethnic cleansing massacre in Al-Qusayr
SNHR warns the international community represented by United Nation and its Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon to immediate and urgent intervene in Al-Qusayr city of a real threats will affect civilians and approaching day after day while we are watching
SNHR appeal the International Committee of Red Cross which is according to International Human Rights Law ( the applicable law in the Syrian conflict ) has the access to conflict areas in Syria to large-Scale evacuations of more than 40,000 citizens live in Al-Qusayr city
Militant wing of Hezbollah and Syrian Government's Armed Forces control another three villages Aash Alwarwar , Western Dminah , and Haydaria , the inhabitants of those village have fled in panic towards Al-Qusayr
The fate of this city with its citizens still unknown in the midst of cutting of the internet and telecommunication and jamming satellite communications
Hezbollah with Syrian Government's Armed Forces are using artillery shells from the villages that had overran, in addition to warplanes lead to kill and wound dozens of civilians .
Even the field hospital was deliberately targeted
SNHR hold United Nation and its Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon and Security Council the responsibilities of anything may happen after this alarm , as we demand to consider Hezbollah as a extremist terrorist organization participate of daily killing of the Syrian People
Syrian Network for Human Rights - London
Tens of people in Syria get buried each day ... On those white sheets, the word "Unknown" is written..

On those white sheets, the word "Unknown" is written..
They are put to rest in a hole that gets marked with a stone that says "Unknown"
Nameless and faceless, no family to read them their goodbyes ..
At the same time, somewhere, a family might be waiting anxiously for one of those bodies to return home ..
A story of a child prisoner

A story of a child prisoner
After he is jailed for 51 days, 45 of of which in a solitary cell , a 14 year old boy was released from prison due suspicion of carrying arms. Every time the judge asked him a question, the boy, who looked distracted, would lower his head with no answer. The judge decided to release him as there was nothing against him.
He went out of prison without feeling happy, because he has lost the meaning of feeling. He looked hilarious, unbalanced and does not know where to go. No body was waiting for him, he walked across the street saying, Oh God, when was the last time I saw a street !!!.
I asked him what is his house's telephone number so that I can call his family, unfortunately he does not remember it. He did not believe himself he is out of prison. He walked aimlessly. I had to stop a taxi for him to take him home. After he got inside the car, he said in a calm and sad voice, thank you, and God bless you.
Note: the picture is symbolic

Children unable to breathe due to shelling with poisonous substances in Rastan-Homs.
May 16, 2013

المجاهد البطل نادر الحريري، قائد ميداني في الجيش الحر يعود
للقتال بعد أن بترت يديه
ابو عرب......الموت للعلوية

Syria - Mafia senjata Amerika Serikat (AS) disinyalir menjadi salah satu pemasok utama senjata Bashar Al Assad. Dilansir oleh Human Right Firsts, Khamis (16/05/2013) penyaluran senjata dari AS ini bekerjasama dengan agen senjata Rusia Rosoboronexport.
Agen senjata Rusia Rosoboronexport merupakan pemasok yang paling signifikan dari senjata yang menyebabkan kekejaman massal di Syria.
Sejak March 2012, Jabatan Pertahanan AS telah melakukan kontrak dengan Rosoboronexport. Kontrak kerjasama ini terkait pemasokan senjata ke rezim Assad.
Jabatan Pertahanan AS sendiri telah menghabiskan dana sebesar $ 1 Milliar US Dollar atau setara Rp 9 Trilyun Rupiah.
Resolusi PBB seru peralihan segera politik Syria
16 Mei 2013
NEW YORK - Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) menerima satu resolusi menggesa supaya peralihan politik Syria segera dilakukan dan mengutuk kerajaan negara itu yang menggunakan senjata berat ke atas rakyatnya sendiri.
Perhimpunan itu juga mendesak sekali lagi supaya peralihan segera dibuat dan mendakwa ia merupakan peluang terbaik bagi menyelesaikan konflik Syria yang berpanjangan sejak Mac 2011 lagi.
PBB berkata, setakat ini angka kematian di Syria semakin meningkat mencecah 80,000 orang.
Resolusi itu turut melahirkan rasa marah dan mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan kerajaan Syria menggunakan senjata berat serta melakukan pencabulan secara terbuka ke atas hak dan kebebasan asasi manusia.
Israel dakwa roket Syria serang Golan Hights
16 Mei 2013
LEVANT - Beberapa buah roket Syria didakwa menyerang kawasan pergunungan yang didiami penduduk Israel di Golan Hights , bersempadan Syria, awal pagi semalam.
“Laporan awal menunjukkan roket berkenaan milik Syria.
“Akibat serangan itu, sebahagian pergunungan Hermon ditutup buat sementara waktu dan tidak akan menerima sebarang pelawat," kata jurucakap Pasukan Pertahanan Israel.
Pergunungan itu merupakan kawasan tarikan pelancong di mana para pelancong boleh menikmati kemudahan ski terutamanya pada musim sejuk.
Golan Hights juga merupakan wilayah Syria satu ketika dahulu sebelum ia dirampas Israel pada tahun 1967.
Kejadian ini juga bukan kali pertama Syria melancarkan serangan ke kawasan tersebut.
Israel dakwa roket Syria serang Golan Hights
16 Mei 2013
LEVANT - Beberapa buah roket Syria didakwa menyerang kawasan pergunungan yang didiami penduduk Israel di Golan Hights , bersempadan Syria, awal pagi semalam.
“Laporan awal menunjukkan roket berkenaan milik Syria.
“Akibat serangan itu, sebahagian pergunungan Hermon ditutup buat sementara waktu dan tidak akan menerima sebarang pelawat," kata jurucakap Pasukan Pertahanan Israel.
Pergunungan itu merupakan kawasan tarikan pelancong di mana para pelancong boleh menikmati kemudahan ski terutamanya pada musim sejuk.
Golan Hights juga merupakan wilayah Syria satu ketika dahulu sebelum ia dirampas Israel pada tahun 1967.
Kejadian ini juga bukan kali pertama Syria melancarkan serangan ke kawasan tersebut.
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