Sunday, 15 December 2013
Seorang kanak-kanak terbunuh kerana kesejukan melampau di Zaatari Camp.

Anak ini mati ketika dalam perjalanan ke hospital.
Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakiil.
Sumber: Zaatari Camp Coordination
InshaaAllah tim sukarelawan MLLFS akan berangkat ke Jordan pada 19hb Disember dalam misi menghantar bantuan musim sejuk kepada pelarian Syria di Jordan dengan kerjasama Tangisan Syria di Bumi Jordan.
Doakan agar sumbangan rakyat Malaysia akan selamat sampai dan mampu untuk membantu pelarian Syria berhadapan dgn musim sejuk.
Teruskan sumbangan ikhlas anda.
No akaun : 562218207666
Email : malaysia4syria@gmail.com
No telefon : 0341416732 / 0132226057
* Untuk pengeluaran resit pengecualian cukai, sila emelkan kepada kami : Nama, alamat rumah dan juga no telefon beserta bukti sumbangan.
Demi Syria, Untuk Ummah!
Terima kasih.
syria berdarah

Anastasia van Noorden wrote about the carelessness of the world after 1000 days of agony and destruction.
"I agree with you...the neighbouring countries haven't done much to help. And the rest of the world has other priorities and no opinion, compassion, care or solidarity.
The capitalist's world has no opinion when they see and hear about dehumanizing situations as you describe. Unless the capitalist world can benefit from it. There is a selective 'rationale' behind where and when to help; can the capitalistic world benefit from it or not. If not, than the involved people in situations as you describe, are fucked by the capitalist's opinion! We are waiting for God, Allah, politicians, politics and military to resolve all, yet so far it hasn't brought any immediate relief and help for those who desperately need it right now.
The Human Rights Declaration is a load of tosh. Instead of humanizing, these rights seem to encourage dehumanizing of mankind with just the blink of an eye. And the worst part is that we all want to believe otherwise.
What a shameless and deep - beyond words can ever express -, human tragedy... What a cold and dark place this world is."
"I agree with you...the neighbouring countries haven't done much to help. And the rest of the world has other priorities and no opinion, compassion, care or solidarity.
The capitalist's world has no opinion when they see and hear about dehumanizing situations as you describe. Unless the capitalist world can benefit from it. There is a selective 'rationale' behind where and when to help; can the capitalistic world benefit from it or not. If not, than the involved people in situations as you describe, are fucked by the capitalist's opinion! We are waiting for God, Allah, politicians, politics and military to resolve all, yet so far it hasn't brought any immediate relief and help for those who desperately need it right now.
The Human Rights Declaration is a load of tosh. Instead of humanizing, these rights seem to encourage dehumanizing of mankind with just the blink of an eye. And the worst part is that we all want to believe otherwise.
What a shameless and deep - beyond words can ever express -, human tragedy... What a cold and dark place this world is."
Syria bebaskan 366 tahanan dipenjara Aleppo
DAMSYIK 14 Dis. - Pihak berkuasa Syria semalam membebaskan 366 orang tahanan 'atas alasan kemanusiaan' di penjara Aleppo, utara negara itu yang kini berada di bawah pengepungan penentang kerajaan.
Pemerhati Hak Asasi Manusia Syria berkata, kumpulan pertama yang melibatkan 10 orang tahanan sudah dibebaskan Khamis lalu dengan kebanyakan daripada mereka pernah disabitkan dengan kesalahan jenayah.
"Pihak berkuasa sudah membebaskan 366 orang tahanan di penjara Aleppo, atas alasan kemanusiaan selepas penentang kerajaan mengepung penjara berkenaan," kata agensi berita SANA.
Sementara itu, Pengarah Pertubuhan Pemantau Hak Asasi Manusia, Rami Abdel Rahman memberitahu AFP, keadaan di dalam penjara tersebut begitu 'teruk' dan para banduan di sana dibebaskan bagi mengelakkan mereka diserang pelbagai penyakit termasuk batuk kering. - AFP
Artikel Penuh: http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/Luar_Negara/20131214/lu_02/Syria-bebaskan-366-tahanan-dipenjara-Aleppo#ixzz2ndCfgxwL
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