#Syrian_Network_for_Human_Rights #SNHR Strong protest movement stems from the communal nature of the mobility of its people, perhaps the comprehensiveness and depth earned it one of the most important features, which made him able to continue throughout the past period.
Cause of the horizontal extension of the movement in the early months, the popular containment about its demands devoted cohesion of wide social groups: poor and middle classes, assured by flesh and blood sacrifices on the national cohesion of Syrian people, in various cities, towns and villages, and various religious spectrum :ethnic and sectarianism, embodied with slogan:" all The Syrian People are united as one
#Syrian_Network_for_Human_Rights #SNHR Despite the strenuous regime's attempts in Syria to mobilize "minorities", seeking to break up the national cohesion, and work to strengthen various affiliations pre-civil, like regional, tribal ,sectarian and ethnical, where they success over many decades, and produced a false ideological awareness, even inverted and neurotic for some, but a big and important crowds of Syrian didn't withdraw or reverted to their narrow affiliations, reverted to their narrow affiliations, without jumbling over or bypassed their national affiliation, and didn't depend for the most part to Regional, sectarian , selfish or subjective tendencies.
#Syrian_Network_for_Human_Rights #SNHR As international supporters of the regime, in particular Russia, Iran and China, some left wing political orientation, they only see the revolution as attack of terrorist forces, extremist and militant against the secular regime in Damascus, they believe in foreign conspiracy theory, which fabricated by the regime to justify military and security solution since the first day, as the only way to suppress the protest movement.
#الشبكة_السورية_لحقوق_الإنسان #سورية وثقت الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسان ارتفاع عدد الشهداء اليوم الاحد حتى الآن إلى 22-9-2013 (62 ) شهيدا في محافظات سورية مختلفة ،بينهم 3 أطفال و 3 سيدات واعلامي و 7 شهداء قضوا تحت التعذيب و 15 شهيدا من الجيش الحر
Ini adalah General Zubaidah al-Meeki. Beliau syiah alawi. Wanita yang berpangkat tinggi di dalam Syrian Arab Army. Antara wanita pertama yang mengumumkan secara terbuka bahawa beliau menyertai FSA.
Sebenarnya ramai lagi tentera-tentera syiah alawi yang menyertai FSA. Walaupun mereka berlainan agama, terdapat dikalangan mereka yang masih waras untuk berfikir. Membunuh orang awam, mengebom mereka sesuka hati adalah diluar batas-batas prinsip kemanusiaan. Sekarang beliau menguruskan pengambilan rekrut-rekrut baru, mengadakan latihan ketenteraan tidak kira sunni atau syiah.
Kepada pengunjung Revolusi Islam yang awal, pernah lihat admin mencela mereka? Pernah lihat admin mencela FSA? Pernah lihat Admin memburukkan dan menjatuhkan FSA? Berlaku banyak temberang sesetengah Briged di dalam FSA tetapi admin tidak mahu membuang masa siarkan di page ini sebab admin tahu ada dikalangan pembaca yang tidak dapat berfikir. Walau admin tulis sesetengah Briged FSA perangai seperti tong t**k, mereka masih mengatakan admin menjatuhkan FSA, admin membenci FSA tanpa mengemukakan bukti. Admin berlapang dada dan bersikap terbuka menerima mereka tentera-tentera syiah dan kristian walaupun berlainan agama untuk menyertai perjuangan kita. Matlamat kita adalah menjatuh kan rejim Bashar laknatullah. Hanya mereka yang dangkal sahaja yang sibuk dengan perkara remeh temeh itu wahabi ini wahabi, dia wahabi.