Friday, 7 June 2013
syria juga saudara kita

Syrian network for human rights documented 95 victims , Monday 3/6/2013 all across Syria , among the victims : 14 children, 16 ladies , 6 tortured to death , 29 Syrian Free Army
31 victims killed cause of Scud missile shelling on Kafar Hamra in Aleppo , including 12 children and 10 women
Videos shows victims: http://www.youtube.com/
Photo of the destruction
Aleppo : 40 victims
Damascus and countryside : 19 victims
Hama : 7 victims
Homs : 6 victims
Daraa : 9 victims
Qunitra : 1 victim
Idlib : 5 victims
Dier Alzoor : 1 victim
Lattakia : 2 victims
Hasaka : 3 victims
syria perlukan anda

The martyr, was one of the first people who resigned from the Baath party after the revolution raged. He participated in the peaceful demonstration In al Qamishly and it’s suburbs
He was a bold man, who didn’t fear the fierce regime.
Rest in peace brave son of Syria.

we advise you that we may lose hundreds and thousands of wounded civilians unless we exercise pressure on all concerned powers regionally and internationally, be that human rights organizations or t UN related institutions, or any country that can help.
We want to evacuate the wounded where thay are given medical attention, and the civilians where they can be safe only. We are capable of helping them out provided they are given a safe path.
Please help.
media men in Homs city
89 victims : SNHR – Syria – Final casualties report – 4 June , 2013

Syrian network for human rights documented 91 victims , Tuesday 4/6/2013 all across Syria , among the victims : 8 children, 7 ladies , 9 tortured to death , 36 Syrian Free Army
Aleppo : 16 victims
Damascus and countryside : 23 victims
Hama : 1 victim
Homs : 10 victims
Daraa : 17 victims
Qunitra : 6 victims
Idlib : 5 victims
Dier Alzoor : 8 victims
Lattakia : 2 victims
Hasaka : 1 victim
Syrian Network for Human Rights - London
Website: www.syrianhr.org
Email: press@syrianhr.org
Skype: Syrianhr

Please share widely, you may help al Qusair people.
God bless you all.
THE BATTLE OF AL QUSAIR - #Syria, #Homs, The latest news from Al-Qusayr

The real situation is more than 1300 injured amongst the civilians. Assad's and hizbulat forces managed to enter the south side of al Qusayr but that was early morning, for now 3 hours ago and until this moment, the FSA managed to resupply from the north and holds the lines. So far over 134 dead of assad's forces and hizbullat 74 dead. They retreat to the far south and heavy clashes still going on.
All divisions close to Al-Qusayr are requested to support the FSA in Al Qusayr by opening other fronts to distract the regime’s army and the mercenaries.

This is what this eight year small girl (with the orange sweater) was saying about running away from the shelling.
She has grown up so quickly, so much so that she is referring to other kids as little ones...........


No child, no human being can do anything that deserves what was done to this little boy. This is an abomination. I'm so sorry for the pain he suffered. The pain of his family. The pain of Syria. There is nothing that can justify it. Nothing. May peace come to Syria. A peace which gives full and open expression to it's people.

wish u are fine and safe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am an Egyptian who shared in our holly revolution but I know that all what we faced is nothing compared to what you see . I am extremely sorry that I can`t help you .I just wanted to tell you go on and never feel afraid . Freedom deserves that u die for and Hamza and all the other martyrs deserve that u work hard , survive and achieve your goals . RABENA MA3AKM.
good luck
Krisis Suriah

Iran Puji Suriah Tentara Suriah atas Kemenangan di Qusayr
Source: Islam Times
Thursday, 06 June 2013
Dalam percakapan telepon hari Rabu (5/6/13), Menteri Iran itu mengucapkan selamat pada sejawatnya dari Suriah, Walid al-Muallem.
Menteri Luar Negeri Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi mengucapkan selamat pada rakyat dan pemerintah Suriah atas kemenangan tentara mereka dalam memperoleh kembali kontrol kota strategis Qusayr di barat Suriah.
Dalam percakapan telepon hari Rabu (5/6/13), Menteri Iran itu mengucapkan selamat pada sejawatnya dari Suriah, Walid al-Muallem.
Salehi menunjuk upaya ekstremis Takfiri dukungan asing untuk memiliterisasi gejolak di Suriah dan menambahkan, dialog nasional antara pemerintah Suriah dan blok oposisi yang akan menjadi satu-satunya jalan keluar dari krisis yang sedang berlangsung.
Diplomat Iran itu juga menyatakan harapan bahwa menghalangi transfer ilegal senjata ke Suriah akan membantu mengakhiri pertumpahan darah. Juga dapat menjadi pembuka proses politik yang bertujuan menyelesaikan kerusuhan menjelang konfrensi Jenewa 2 mendatang.
Sementara itu, pejabat Suriah menyatakan terima kasih pada Iran atas bantuannya dalam menghadapi gejolak yang mencengkeram negara Arab itu.
"Pemerintah dan rakyat Suriah telah menentukan cita-cita besar mereka dan dengan tegas membelanya serta melanjutkan jalan mereka sampai perdamaian dan stabilitas terwujud, " al-Muallem mengatakan.
Krisis Suriah

Tentara Suriah Terus Sapu Bersih Qusayr
Source: Islam Times
Thursday, 06 June 2013
Pasukan Suriah dilaporkan berhasil menjinakkan alat peledak pada Rabu (5/6/13) yang ditanam oleh terorisi Takfiri di berbagai bagian kota itu.
Pasukan pemerintah Suriah terus maju dengan operasi sapu bersih setelah mereka berhasil mengambil alih secara penuh kota Qusayr, Press TV melaporkan.
Pasukan Suriah dilaporkan berhasil menjinakkan alat peledak pada Rabu (5/6/13) yang ditanam oleh terorisi Takfiri di berbagai bagian kota itu.
Lebih dari 200 truk pickup yang mengangkut teroris meninggalkan kota itu dan pindah ke desa terdekat di utara Qusayr.
Pemerintah berusaha menormalkan kota itu sesegera mungkin.
Pasukan militer Suriah telah menumpas jaringan teroris dukungan asing di kawasan strategis yang berbatasan dengan Libanon itu.
Al Qusayr People Celebrating Victory

Source: Berita Harian Suriah
Thursday, 06 June 2013
يرجى الاشتراك للحصول على آخر المستجدات أخبار عربية اليوم في هذه الأثناء قال الجيش السوري الحر إنه يسيطر على نحو ستين في المئة من مدينة حلب حيث تدور إشتباكات ...
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