Monday, 13 May 2013

Hakikatnya serangan-serangan udara oleh rejim Zionis terhadap sasaran tentera di bumi Syria beberapa hari lepas yang memusnahkan senjata-senjata tertentu rejim, ada muslihatnya.
Sebenarnya bukan kerana khuatir ia jatuh ke tangan Hizbola sebagaimana yang digembar-gemburkan oleh media-media Syiah/Barat.
Akan tetapi sebenarnya semata-mata mahu memastikan agar semua senjata-senjata 'penting' rejim Basyar tersebut tidak jatuh ke tangan Mujahidin FSA.
Buktinya ialah rejim pula bertindak balas dengan terus mengebom bandar-bandar Syria, bukan mengebom Tel Aviv.
For those who live in the US, Canada and Europe, who want to know what is taking place Syria.

What is happening is very straightforward.
The people of Syria ( nearly 80%) do not want this regime, because we have been living under tyranny for the last 45 years (the remaining 20% are with the regime, because if the regime goes they will loose all the advantages and benefits they are getting now).
Syria is a republic, yet the regime is making it a kingdom, passing the rule from the father to the son, and the family of Assad controls the economy, the Parliament, the army, the media, social life and every thing else in the country, and even how people should think.
The people thought Bashar Alassad, when he took over from the father Hafez Alassad around 2000, is going to bring the country into freedom and better life. The result was more monopoly, corruption, and preferring his sect (though Syrians do not think this way) with all the benefits and advantages.
Syria is not a poor country, but the regime has made it so, and the GDP per capita is around USD 6000 only. Syria is rich in economy, agriculture, industry, and produces oil at the rate of 800,000 barrels per day. This goes mostly to the pockets of the regime and its supporters.
The people asked for changes to be made, to give more freedom to the people. The result the regime responded with fire. Things got complicated when troops started to defect from the army, so that they will not kill their own citizens. (a new Free Syrian army is formed as a result) . Bashar Al Assad and his regime responded with fire, artillery, scud missiles, cluster bombs, chemical weapons and threw all types of bombs on the heads of the people so that they will stop the revolution.
Politically, the regime is preferred by the US and the West because this is the best regime they can think of as long as their interests are not touched. The same for Israel and even some Arab countries, hence the complications.
No country has given any arms to the people as this is not approved yet by the US administration, and the regime is heavily supported financially and militarily by Russia and Iran for different reasons. Terrorist group Hizbulla has joined forces with the regime, as it is a part of the Iranian web in the area.
As a result, Syria is now destroyed; the economy is cripples, and the Syrian Lira has lost its value. The number of people killed 100,000, detainees and missing 200,000, wounded 500,000, and refugees inside and outside Syria 5 million people.
People who doubt that what is written here or think it is not true can take a look at this photo Homs city al waer area). It shows clearly that the regime is using its air force to bomb areas where people have revolted.
Those who still believe this photo is not true can go to Syria and see for themselves, and can tell us what is the real story when they are back, if they are still alive.

these are his sister's words
We are here, all staying up with you.
If you haven't slept all day, go get some rest
If you're up, try to be with us with your soul
Prayers from your mom and all of us are pouring with every beat of our hearts
close your eyes and create a painting of patience
Make sure you balance measures of hope
Let transparency of the goal cover the whole situation
Don't ask about accuracy this time, it is low for everyone
Remember to add your symbol at the end
'cause it is very important
I leave you in the hands of god, along with all the dear missing ones.

At 2.30 AM, a shell went into his family's house killing the father who was in the sitting room, the mother who was in the kitchen. Yasmeen, 10 years old, was in her bed. When rescuing them, the people found them all dead in blood, and found Yasmeen's mutilated body, but unfortunately with no head. They tried to look for the head uselessly inside the house. They wanted to get it before it is taken by a stray cat, but in vain. The burial ceremony has to take place on Friday, while all people are at the mosque attending the Friday prayers.
Please search with us for her head, it may be still in your garden, or near your house, or even inside your bed room. The regime has made all our lives full of death blood and mutilated bodies.

Syrian network for human rights documented 88 victims , Sunday 12/5/2013 all across Syria , most of them in Damascus and countryside and Hasaka , among the victims : 10 children , 4 ladies , 1 media activist , 4 tortured to death , 22 armed rebel .
Damascus and countryside : 33 victims
Hasaka : 10 victims
Idlib : 9 victims
Homs : 9 victims
Daraa : 5 victims
Hama : 4 victims
Aleppo : 8 victims
Dier Alzoor : 4 victims
Qunitra : 1 victim
Raqqa : 2 victims
Lattakia : 3 victims
Syrian Network for Human Rights - London
Lagi pembunuhan besar-besaran di bandar Al- Badya

Lagi pembunuhan besar-besaran di bandar Al- Badya, berhampiran perkampungan Banyas, Tortous. Sumver dalaman mengesahkan bahawa regim Asad terlibat secara langsung pembunuhan ini dengan sekurang-kurangnya 150 orang terbunuh termasuk wanita dan kanak-kanak...
Large-scale massacre in the city of Al-Bayda, close to the village of Banyas, in Tartous. Initial reports confirm that Assad forces were directly involved in the execution and burning of at least 150 people, including women and children...
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