Monday 5 August 2013


Some statistics about the revolution since 15/3/2011:

120.000 people killed (including 8500 kids, and 6500 women)
200.000 people detained or missing (missing means killed in Syria).
500.000 people wounded or disabled
2.5 million free Syrian army fighters.
2.5 million people refugees living in other countries including 1.5 million in refugee camps.
3.5 million people displaced inside Syria.
6.5 million people are living under poverty line in Syria.
300% is the loss of the Syrian lira in value, and the economy is crippled totally.
400% is the Inflation rate.
500.000 houses are destroyed.
1500 mosques are destroyed.
4000 schools are destroyed.
50% estimated decrease in birth rate.
865 days have passed since the revolution started, and no light at the end of the tunnel.

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