Thursday 9 May 2013


A letter from a freind 
Message to the world :

In the past, I cried as I continuously saw the victims of "the supreme interests" being killed everywhere on this earth.
However, I today got to realize that it was not humanly enough
I am from Syria, a country where souls of hundreds of innocent people are being severely dragged out of them in daily massacres, and a place where these "human beings" are then buried under their destructed houses!.
We are literally wading through a "genocide" , virginity of our women is every barbarian's goal to assault, and our angelic children are the "ferocious sheep" to shell, bomb and carry out daily air-raids against! Never are we terrorists nor do we ever belong to such parties, but to the internationally mutual belief that we all are human beings and we all should have our so-called Human Rights! For no reason but my dignity, freedom and what is called democracy did my revolution arise.
Being a university student and like all citizens of this world, I just always dreamed of a home, a family, an education and a life of peace and dignity. Am I disturbing your deafened ears? Am I perturbing your blinded eyes? I am just, and just making an appeal for you to support me with whatever you can. A sit-in, a speech, a song of peace you spread to protect my right of peaceful life, where I do not have to daily suffer and see the rivers of children's blood running through my demolished house!
I, my family, my friends and/or my sister's six-year-old kids could be killed while you are reading this letter, so I beg you not to disregard it, for you secure these human beings and secure your deep sense of being a true human being!
Majd Maxsos - Syrian woman

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